Sunday, August 2, 2015

Vacation Nutrition

This was my first time veering off my wellness track in over a year. Way off track. 

I keep trying to let myself go a little, then rein myself back in before I tumble ass over tea kettle into a food coma that lasts for weeks...

Finding that balance is tricky,  but I've found that as long as I keep pushing play and stay active,  and eat from the Earth, I will be okay 😊

That makes my heart happy!

Thursday, July 23, 2015


I don't know about you but in our house we LOVE the Summer veggies fresh from the garden! One of my favorite side dishes is baked & broiled zucchini strips!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Existing In The Absence of Social Media

Say WHAT??  

I had been on Facebook for about 8 years. Until 16 days ago, (yes I am counting!), when I deactivated my account, along with Twitter and Instagram.

I mean, I only ditched about 900 of my closest friends. Like it was nothing. I was pretty depressed last week. I'm thinking it was probably a period of mourning.

Why did I do the unthinkable? I'm not sure really, well maybe that's a lie? Or maybe it's like this. You know how all these posts are inspiring most of the time, and you're like that's a great idea, this is amazing! After a while you're like, I wish I had the opportunity to do that, try that, go there and so on.

Eventually, the excitement and enthusiasm turns to annoyance and frustration. Some times it propels you to get things done and at the same time depresses you when you can't.

 It's been interesting to say the least, learning to enjoy the moment without posting about it.  Not taking selfies to share with your online world.
What about
 all those beautiful photos of the sky?

Sunday, January 18, 2015


I don't have that kind of story. I never felt like I couldn't do anything. I was a pretty fit fat girl.
I never felt fat. I was just me.
I didn't have a traumatic experience that caused me to eat copious amounts of food. I have no excuse for my actions or cravings. 
I've always just do everything without thinking. Gets me into trouble all the time!
But it also catapults me out of my comfort zone!
How do you PUSH yourself beyond your limits?

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Confession Of a Sugar Addict

If you don't know me, you probably don't realize that I've been on a pretty long transformation journey and still have yet to reach my destination.
My name is Tiffanie and I'm a sugar addict. I had abstained from any sugar, sweetened foods, fruit, gum etc for 1 year and 2 months. Until this Christmas Eve. I ate pie! It all started with a banana, probably one of the sweetest fruits, then a little wine, then it escalated to nuts, trail mix and then a love affair with peanut butter. By the spoonfuls!
I should have seen the signs, I should have seen where I was headed. Then tonight, leftover pie with whip cream, might as well enjoy a cookie or 2 or 3, I mean I already had the pie.
If this doesn't happen to you when you eat sweets, the only thing I can compare it to is an alcoholic who can't control that urge to drink. I just can't stop in the midst of a sugar rush... That's why I abstain! The cure? I'll let you know! 😉

Saturday, November 8, 2014


I don't know about you, but there are some months that my consistency is almost non existent when it comes to my fitness.
For many different reasons, could be an injury flare up, changing of seasons, or just the lack of motivation.
What I've come to realize is that lacking motivation is like getting a virus. Some times you just have to let it run its course.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Why do we treat those that are closest to us the worst?  An almost absent minded disregard? They are the last ones to really know how much we appreciate them in our lives. Now I'm not saying we do it intentionally, I am just speaking from my own experiences.

My poor husband goes out of his way for our family. When I come home from work and finally get to the end of my day I'm tired and exhausted. I forget that he probably is too. I absentmindedly make no time for us to talk about our day, or to simply relax together, I forget to tell him how Thankful I am to have him in my life, how grateful I am for all he does. And he does A LOT!

I find that I am more apt to make a special effort to connect with those that are farther away as well. You might live right down the street, I guess it's as if, the further away you are the more chances of losing contact? I am curious to hear feed back about this. If anyone has any input, would love to hear about it.