Sunday, December 28, 2014

Confession Of a Sugar Addict

If you don't know me, you probably don't realize that I've been on a pretty long transformation journey and still have yet to reach my destination.
My name is Tiffanie and I'm a sugar addict. I had abstained from any sugar, sweetened foods, fruit, gum etc for 1 year and 2 months. Until this Christmas Eve. I ate pie! It all started with a banana, probably one of the sweetest fruits, then a little wine, then it escalated to nuts, trail mix and then a love affair with peanut butter. By the spoonfuls!
I should have seen the signs, I should have seen where I was headed. Then tonight, leftover pie with whip cream, might as well enjoy a cookie or 2 or 3, I mean I already had the pie.
If this doesn't happen to you when you eat sweets, the only thing I can compare it to is an alcoholic who can't control that urge to drink. I just can't stop in the midst of a sugar rush... That's why I abstain! The cure? I'll let you know! 😉

Saturday, November 8, 2014


I don't know about you, but there are some months that my consistency is almost non existent when it comes to my fitness.
For many different reasons, could be an injury flare up, changing of seasons, or just the lack of motivation.
What I've come to realize is that lacking motivation is like getting a virus. Some times you just have to let it run its course.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Why do we treat those that are closest to us the worst?  An almost absent minded disregard? They are the last ones to really know how much we appreciate them in our lives. Now I'm not saying we do it intentionally, I am just speaking from my own experiences.

My poor husband goes out of his way for our family. When I come home from work and finally get to the end of my day I'm tired and exhausted. I forget that he probably is too. I absentmindedly make no time for us to talk about our day, or to simply relax together, I forget to tell him how Thankful I am to have him in my life, how grateful I am for all he does. And he does A LOT!

I find that I am more apt to make a special effort to connect with those that are farther away as well. You might live right down the street, I guess it's as if, the further away you are the more chances of losing contact? I am curious to hear feed back about this. If anyone has any input, would love to hear about it.

Monday, October 20, 2014

What happens on Facebook, stays on Facebook??

Do you ever get the feeling that whatever happens on Facebook, stays on Facebook? Seems like when you see "friends" in "real life", people act awkward, like it's uncomfortable to meet in person. Or your "friends" look the other way? Why is it so awkward for some? Are you embarrassed for me for being so out there or are you uncomfortable with something you shared?
Seems like no one wants to talk about in person what they share online? Or maybe we forget what we post and hope that others do to? Even when you mention something that someone has shared online they hesitate for   a moment and are like what? What are you talking about?
Just thought this was interesting, does this happen to you too? Or are you the confused one? Let me know your thoughts on this, interested! #TNTwTiffanie

Friday, October 17, 2014


It's funny to see in the course of the day how many of us (self included), randomly pull out our cel phones throughout the day. Without a thought, like it's an added appendage, an extension of ourselves. We can be carrying on in conversation with a real live person right in front of us and texting or posting at exactly the same time. If you're in the real life conversation, you know you're not getting their full attention since they are trying to type their thoughts. Is this okay? Has this become the norm? Is this socially acceptable? Is this you? #TNTwTiffanie

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


I was having some thoughts at work today and randomly scratched them out..

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


The funniest thing happened after/during my weight loss.  I have people telling me they HATE me, like people that I have known for some time. I say, "Hi", and their response is, "I hate you". Seriously? You hate my dedication, hard work, and the sacrifices I have made to reach my goals and live a healthy lifestyle?

I found more people being accepting of me being overweight than my fittest self. The irony is lost somewhere here...

Moral of the story? Be your BEST version of YOU, no matter what anyone thinks. You are the one constant in your life, what happens around you and to you will happen but it all happens with YOU!! #bestrongandcarryon #TNTwTiffanie

Monday, September 29, 2014


Well today was my first day doing the 21 Day Fix. I have to say that I wasn't loving the first workout but it did grow on me. It was more challenging than I thought but I absolutely LOVED the ab work I can still feel my core crying now!

It was nice to have the containers so that I could carry my food wherever I went, even in the car. Very happy that Shakeology was included in the program, I don't think I could live without it! Total Body Cardio Fix was really awesome I look forward to the week's challenges!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

It's Not How You Wear Your Clothes, It's How You Wear Your Body

I never had a positive body image until now. I didn't realize I could feel so much better about myself if I had just loved myself unconditionally. It never was about losing weight, it was SO much more. It doesn't even matter what size you are as long as you love yourself.  I wish I had known this.
Don't get me wrong I feel amazingly strong and happy, but I could've felt this way at any size. It's not how you wear your clothes but how you wear your body.
If you are walking tall with confidence and feeling good and happy. Then what else do you ever really need? Confidence is one piece of clothing you cannot go without. It took me losing a lot of weight to finally feel confident in myself. To finally have found my voice and not be afraid to use it. Don't let life pass you by, BE THE BEST VERSION OF YOU!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

How many skies do we need to see?

Okay so this has nothing to with fitness and everything to do with how I react to things, I guess it may be pertinent in a way? At the end of soccer practice tonight, the skyline was gorgeous. Anyone who was outside or looking out at the sky would see how beautiful it was. But what is my first thought? I should take a picture? Seriously? To post online. I had to stop myself and think look at this beauty before me, take it in, enjoy it. I think it's sad that my gut reaction is to take a snapshot. Besides I am sure everyone else posted a photo anyways, no just kidding. Well maybe? It was just a thought..

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


You know how you wake up some mornings, feeling groggy and little aches and pains in your body, both voices whispering, "Go back to's warm, sleep another 30 minutes.."?  Who is this talking? Is my mind telling my body what to do or are my pains valid?  Is my back really bothering me this much or am I using it as a lame excuse to be lazy? I mean seriously, is 30 minutes of yoga going to aggrevate it? I don't think so. Guess I just figured out my issue!  Most often, body and mind feel so much better after at least making the attempt to do something.  Anything is better than just laying there. Then I wake up mad at myself for not working out and it's a restless quick slumber anyways! What's my point here?? Note to self, JUST GET THE HELL UP!!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Trying to Survive in a Technological Jungle ~ Beware of the BYTES!

Who would have thought that building a body is so much easier than navigating all of this amazing technology?  I keep thinking it will just sink in and it will just click for me. Trying to build a blog is really torturous for me. Don't get me wrong, this is all very cool, I just wish I had an easier time figuring it out.

So I just keep plugging along and so should YOU!  #TNTwTiffanie #bewellstaywell

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Day 1

TNTwTiffanie is my blog about my fitness journey. I want to keep others energized about fitness and become the best version of themselves. Everyone deserves to feel great about themselves!